Energetic Healing
Use the power of the source of all that is and your own self-healing capabilities

When is this the right place for you?


You want


What i'm doing for you

Gain strong self-confidence without doubt and arrogance

Dissolve your obstructive beliefs

Release inner restlessness and aimlessness

Eliminate your unconscious blockages

Overcome traumatic memories

Remove your energetic imbalances

Solve recurring problems in dealing with other people

Eliminate your trapped (repressed) emotions permanently

Resolve unspecific physical complaints without a clear diagnosis

Dissolve your burdens from past lives (karma)

Solve problems in the recovery from physical complaints

Remove your therapy blockages

Receive support in recovering from injuries

Teach you self-help methods

Resolve sudden behavioral disorders in (domestic) animals

Energetic treatment of the new age

By understanding ourselves as human beings made of energy, we must also rethink the topic of treatment. We are all permanently connected to everyone and to the source of everything that is. As one of my teachers, Bob Proctor, so aptly put it: "There is a thinking stuff, an intelligent, formless substance, like an invisible matrix and this matrix is the original substance from which all things, all matter and energy and everything that exists is made from. This original intelligent substance is evenly distributed throughout all space. It permeates, penetrates and fills all of the cosmos".

Through this connection, we are co-creators with the source of all that is and can thus shape our own future. However, we can also connect energetically with all animate beings and thus bring them improvement of their current situation or support them in their self-healing. This requires the corresponding intention and belief in this one creator being (regardless of whether we are religious or not, or what we call it - God, Allah, Yahweh, or simply the source of all that is) and in our own creative potential.

How the source 

We are all part of the divine whole and therefore have access to the divine healing power - if we have the right intention and the faith to do so (Jesus Christ: "Your faith has healed you").


Trapped emotions

Strong experiences from the past (including those of our parents and ancestors) can lead to trapped emotions that are stored in our energy body and have a negative impact on our lives.



ThetaHealing® is a meditative process that brings about healing on a physical, emotional and spiritual level by addressing the source of all that is.


Energetic imbalances

Most diseases, from discomfort to illness, are usually caused by an energetic imbalance somewhere in the body.


I always speak here of the "source of all that is" because the other terms we have for this all-encompassing creative entity, which includes and embodies all female and all male energy in the universe, are otherwise only single-sex terms.

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